Friday, April 3, 2009

President Obama Endorses Personalised Photo Album for Queen

Here in London we've been playing host to the G20 Summit so our papers have been packed with the good and great - Barack Obama being in the lead by a long way. Although it wasn't an official State Visit the President and his wife were invited to Buckingham Palace to meet our Queen and Prince Philip.

It's polite and customary to give a small gift when people visit Her Majesty. So what do you buy the woman who has everything? Well the richest woman in the world was given an iPod. Not bad, but this iPod was special and not just because it was given by President Obama to the Queen.

No, this iPod contained photos of the Queen on her last visit to America. Yes it was a fancy personalised photoalbum. Her Majesty, the palace has said, was greatly appreciative of the President's kindness.