Thursday, October 21, 2010

Photo Scanning Free?

We operate two photo scanning services, one of which is our free photo scanning offering. Whixh is right for you?

If you're scanning photos its hard to argue against free. Our service creates an online album for you and you can share this anyway you please. It is password protected, so no prying eyes. If friends and relatives want copies of any of the images they can order and pay for them. We know from experience how "Oh could I just have a couple of prints" soon adds up to a heavy personal bill and organisational headache.

However if you know you want a digital copy of a complete set of images, and you're happy to manage family distribution and access, paying upfront is going to be a better option. It is also the business format most people are used to and expect.

Although our two services are different as business models, what's the same is the way in which we scan, restore colour, save your images. Done by the same people, on the same equipment, at the same technical specification. So free or paid for - you really do have a choice.